First Posted: 2/27/2013


Origin of the Free Negro Settlement

Lumberton,N.C.Feb.26,1872,NEW YORK TIMES.

"The country was settled first by Scotch Highlanders before the Revolution,These Scotch SLAVEHOLDERS were hard masters.Here also were the Scuffletown(PEMBRONE nc) Mulattoes-imposed upon for many generations by master and slave,Scuffletown(Pembroke,NC) ,got its name from the long scuffle of the whites and the Negro slaves and make freedom under the condition of color,contemptible among the mulattoes.I conceive that these NEGROES have been the slaves of Tories driven from the State at the close of the Revolution,and of the emancipated slaves of the Quakers,that they increased and multiplied by accessions from runaways,by the birth rate of force exerted on them an by the necessity of union or the sympathy of all neighboring free negroes with a"HOMOGENOUS NEGRO SETTLEMENT"(PEMBROKE, NC)

New York Times 1872,a CLEAR description of the Lumbee Capitol not as Indian nation but Negro!