RALEIGH — The Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Benefits hereby provides notice of its intent to amend the Medicaid State Plan Attachment.

This amendment revises the pharmacy reimbursement methodology for ingredient drug cost under $1,000 to be reimbursed at the OMB encounter rate. The OMB encounter rate for covered outpatient prescription drugs is exclusively applicable to the Indian Health / Tribal pharmacies operated by the United States Indian Health Services (IHS).

This amendment will become effective Sept. 1, 2020.

The annual estimated state fiscal impact of this change is:

a. SFY 2020 $0

b. SFY 2021 $0

c. SFY 2022 $0

A copy of the proposed public notice may be viewed at the county Department of Social Services. Questions, comments and requests for copies of the proposed State Plan Amendment should be directed to Dave Richard, Deputy Secretary for NC Medicaid, Division of Health Benefits, 2501 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-2501.