A workshop titled “Strategies and Resources for Ensuring Inclusive Early STEM Learning Experiences for ALL Young Children” is designed for educators who work with young children in classrooms, daycare centers and early childhood programs.
                                 Contributed photo | RCC

A workshop titled “Strategies and Resources for Ensuring Inclusive Early STEM Learning Experiences for ALL Young Children” is designed for educators who work with young children in classrooms, daycare centers and early childhood programs.

Contributed photo | RCC

LUMBERTON, NC – Robeson Community College in partnership with SCRIPT-NC (Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina) will offer a free workshop in STEM for educators. The workshop will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Student Center which is located in Building 13.

The workshop titled “Strategies and Resources for Ensuring Inclusive Early STEM Learning Experiences for ALL Young Children” is designed for educators who work with young children in classrooms, daycare centers, and early childhood programs.

“This will be an interactive, hands-on session presented by members of the STEMIE and SCRIPT-NC Teams from the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,” reads the description for the workshop as provided by SCRIPT-NC. “Participants will engage in active STEM learning experiences and explore ways to apply the content in their classrooms, centers, and programs.”

During the 3-hour session, participants will spend time discussing the importance of a child-centered and asset-based approach to early STEM learning for all young children and develop ideas that ensure you are able to include STEM learning opportunities for each and every child.

“We are offering this workshop as a way to engage our community stakeholders in active STEM learning experiences that they can use in their early childhood classrooms,” stated Dr. Phoebe Chavis-Harris, the program director for Education at RCC. “This workshop will help provide strategies and resources that support inclusive early STEM learning experiences”

The workshop will provide .3 CEU’s which can be used as professional development credits for those who attend.

Pre-registration is required. Attendees can register by contacting Harris at 910-272-3448 or pharris@robeson.edu. SCRIPT-NC is also accepting registrations at scriptnc@unc.edu.

Cheryl Hemric is the public information officer at Robeson Community College. Reach her by email at chemric@robeson.edu.