1. Is the book of 2 Thessalonians (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?
2. From Song of Solomon 8, what is so powerful that many waters cannot quench it? Hope, Love, Salvation, Peace
3. Which book begins, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past”? Philippians, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews
4. Thorns and what else grew from the ground that God cursed after Adam and Eve’s sin? Vines, Ivy, Thistles, Weeds
5. According to Paul, in hardships, Christians are more than _____. Friends, Conquerors, Warriors, Innkeepers
6. From Luke 19, what town was home to Zacchaeus? Jericho, Tarsus, Thessalonica, Corinth
ANSWERS: 1) New, 2) Love, 3) Hebrews, 4) Thistles, 5) Conquerors, 6) Jericho
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